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Volume: 16 | Article ID: art00016
Bringing the Humanities and Engineering Together through Multi-disciplinary Senior Design team projects
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2019.1.0.16  Published OnlineMay 2019

Every Engineering student at the Rochester Institute of Technology must complete a senior capstone project as a condition of graduation. Most students fulfill this requirement in the form of a two-semester, Multi-disciplinary Senior Design (MSD) team project. These projects are designed to provide the students opportunities to apply their classroom training in a collaborative environment. 1,2 The multi-disciplinary teams bring together students with varied skill sets in projects that require them to assess customer needs, establish engineering requirements, benchmark existing solutions, evaluate possible concepts, and apply engineering practices to design, build, test, and document a working prototype device or process. See the MSD program website for further information. 1 The projects undertaken within the MSD program cover a broad range of applications, with sponsors including the National Science Foundation, Wegmans, Boeing, and ABVI/Goodwill. In recent years, projects undertaken in this program have included several efforts in conjunction with cultural heritage institutions. These include a streamlined manufacturing process for micro test targets for Image Science Associates, an update of the Image Permanence Institute's data logger, which is used to monitor the temperature and relative humidity in archives and libraries, streamlining of the George Eastman Museum's 2D artifact digitization process, and construction of period-appropriate replicas of a 18 th century printing press and 16 th century reading wheel replicas for the Cary Graphic Arts Collection at RIT and Rossell Hope Robbins Library at the University of Rochester. This report will feature the Reading Wheel project to illustrate what the projects involve and how they can be used to bring the worlds of the humanities and engineering together.

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Susan Farnand, Ian Kurtz, Reese Salen, Matthew Nygren, Maher Abdelkawi, "Bringing the Humanities and Engineering Together through Multi-disciplinary Senior Design team projectsin Proc. IS&T Archiving 2019,  2019,  pp 72 - 75,

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Society for Imaging Science and Technology