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Volume: 16 | Article ID: art00008
Methodology and Tools for Quality Verification and Measurement Interpretation in a Digital Cinema Environment
  DOI :  10.2352/issn.2168-3204.2019.1.0.8  Published OnlineMay 2019

In this paper, we present a set of methodologies for Digital Cinema projector calibration, quality verification and evaluation by application of the international visual test SMPTE Digital Projection Verifier (DProve) as well as related SMPTE and ISO standards. We demonstrate modified SMPTE guidelines for faster, simpler and more precise measurements in practical conditions and introduce several tools for illustrative quality evaluation. The measurement interpretation is based on both, absolute tolerances defined by the SMPTE standards, as well as relative assessment calculated by the CIEDE2000 color difference formula. The latter approach is intended to better understand the importance of the color and tonality error for viewer's perception in the specific cinema low light levels. On the examples of selected D-Cinema projector and display measurements, we introduce possible strengths and weaknesses of various projection technologies, used in Czech and Slovak commercial cinema or review rooms, which differs by the specific manufacturer's technology or type of light source.

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Miloslav Novák, Karel Fliegel, "Methodology and Tools for Quality Verification and Measurement Interpretation in a Digital Cinema Environmentin Proc. IS&T Archiving 2019,  2019,  pp 31 - 38,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2019
Archiving Conference
Society for Imaging Science and Technology