Managing the costs and the workloads in digital preservation requires automation and supportive tools. Micro-services is a well-tested and widely adapted architecture, proven in archive systems [1] and operating systems like Linux and UNIX. The automation level can be increased by combining the services into workflows and making the processing distributed. Resource consuming tasks such as ingest, migration and format conversion can be streamlined with this kind of approach.This paper is about the development of a workflow engine prototype for micro-services based distributed processes in digital archives. The prototype is demonstrated with a simple use case of digital content ingest workflow. The design goal was to support work done in the digital archive developments and to provide a simple and extendable tool for processing the digital content.
Heikki Kurhinen, Mikko Lampi, "Micro-services based distributable workflow for digital archives" in Proc. IS&T Archiving 2014, 2014, pp 47 - 51,