This is the latest in a series of progress reports from CIE TC8-09, the CIE Division 8 Technical Committee on Archival Colour Imaging. The current focus of the committee is a multi-institution study to assess and compare the performance points of the protocols and methods that participating cultural heritage institutions use to capture representative materials that are within scope for the committee. As part of the study the committee is assessing the color accuracy of different color capture and encoding approaches with the goal of establishing a knowledge base and set of techniques which an institution can reference to either select or confirm the approach to color capture that is most compatible with its goals and capabilities. This report focuses on the tone capture and error performance of the capture of a standard test targets and sample prints across multiple institutions.
Robert Buckley, Steven Puglia, "Report of the CIE Technical Committee on Archival Colour Imaging" in Proc. IS&T Archiving 2013, 2013, pp 112 - 115,