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Volume: 3 | Article ID: art00015
Needs for Successfully Output On-Site
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4672.2012.3.0.35  Published OnlineJanuary 2012

There is no doubt our industry has not realized the real change when analog was moving to digital and I am very pleased to share my thoughts with such an excellent audience. What has really happened is not only a technical move; the main change was the new consumer habits. Comparable with evolution from steam to electric trains, where habits are still same, photo consumers do not have to wait for film processing any longer and can choose right now! This additional "right now" gives today a new potential. Not only do kiosk users want to have pictures in short time and especially the new creative products such as photo books, photo gifts e.g.are exploding tremendously! Other good news that gives on-site producing new opportunities to grow: women are back. Women (especially Moms) are making more of the decisions regarding how printing will be processed. Plus consumers in general are not having as much fun printing at home due to inconvenience, poor quality, and costs. This is the other good news to print on-site. The new trends will be to get the prints and all new creative prints on-site faster and faster. Today's studies shows that consumers want to have their photo books in less than 1h! Also personalized photo products will became more and more important! Todays and tomorrows technologies will help to solve this new customer needs. On-site production with chemicals is dropping very fast and will soon be history! (The change is of course dependent on different countries). The quality and printout speed of dye-sublimation is increasing fast. New technologies such as dot-size manipulation in inkjet systems are allowing high grade quality with only CMYK. Double-sided print production will be a must for creative products. New technology innovations will be driving our still fantastic industry, but they have to increase convenience and will need the acceptance of the consumers!

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Kurt H. Freund, "Needs for Successfully Output On-Sitein Proc. Int'l Symp.on Technologies for Digital Photo Fulfillment,  2012,  pp 49 - 49,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2012
International Symposium on Technologies for Digital Photo Fulfillment
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Society for Imaging Science and Technology