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Volume: 37 | Article ID: art00011_1
The Art of Gift-Giving: Laser Cutting as a Value-Added Technology for Fabricating Customized Biodegradable Packaging
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2021.37.69  Published OnlineOctober 2021

It is a custom in certain cultures to send and exchange gifts for special occasions. This remarkable custom led to the idea of applying the laser cutting technology and using it as value-added to fulfill any custom shape of the packaging. Laser cutting applications in customized packaging can be helpful to be valueadded to the digital printing system and reduce time consumption in the post-press rather than focused on die-cutting. Only the biodegradable substrate was used in this experiment. Rather than focusing on die-cutting, laser cutting is applied to reduce the hustle and reduce the post-press bottleneck. As a result, it is possible to produce more customized packaging in a short time. The laser cutting experiment was planned and conducted using a CO2 laser cutting machine. One of the laser cutting parameters, such as laser power, was tested in the experiment. The study also identified the parameter and optimal setting for the specific thickness of the paperboard. Also, subsequently, the optimum laser power was determined. The results showed that 50-60% laser power is the most significant ratio affecting the clean cuts of the specific thickness of materials.

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Shalida Mohd Rosnan, Toshiharu Enomae, "The Art of Gift-Giving: Laser Cutting as a Value-Added Technology for Fabricating Customized Biodegradable Packagingin Proc. IS&T Printing for Fabrication: Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP37),  2021,  pp 69 - 72,

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