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Volume: 36 | Article ID: art00012_1
Dynamic Imaging Solution
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2020.36.65  Published OnlineOctober 2020

The basic economic principle dictates that productivity improvement is the main driving force for raising the living standard of the general public and companies' profit margin. By replacing analog devices with their digital counterparts, the last digital revolution has made huge contribution in boosting labor productivity annually despite the reduction in working hours. However, the labor productivity growth rate has dropped to the lowest level during the Great Recession. Recognizing the long-term sustainability challenges of the current economic development, a new societal paradigm has emerged where artificial intelligence and connected devices take over well-defined tasks to achieving economies of scale and empowering people to innovate and create value. Being a form of mass customization manufacturing process, a dynamic imaging solution is proposed in an electrophotographic printing system with computational calibration capability in the spatial and tonal domains when requested, which will be an enabling technologies for the vision of autonomous printing.

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Chunghui Kuo, "Dynamic Imaging Solutionin Proc. IS&T Printing for Fabrication: Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP36),  2020,  pp 65 - 68,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference
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Society for Imaging Science and Technology