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Volume: 34 | Article ID: art00009_1
Study on Printing Performance of Degradable Polylactic Acid Film Packaging Material
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2018.34.38  Published OnlineSeptember 2018

In this paper, the PLA resin of Ingeo 4032D from Nature Works(USA) is selected as the research object. Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) or EPDM rubber grafted glycidyl methacrylate (EPDM-g-GMA) is selected for PLA blend modification. At first, the mixture was granulated in an extruder and then blown to obtain various films. The mechanical properties, optical transparency, barrier properties, contact angle and printability of the polymer film were measured. The results show that through the modification, without loss of transparency, the mechanical properties, barrier properties, polarity of the surface and the adhesion of the printing code of the PLA film are improved, which is beneficial to the solution of environmental pollution caused by the undegradable of current plastic film.

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Hongge Guo, Haiying Wei, Yingying Qin, Maohai Lin, "Study on Printing Performance of Degradable Polylactic Acid Film Packaging Materialin Proc. IS&T Printing for Fabrication: Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP34),  2018,  pp 38 - 40,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2018
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