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Volume: 32 | Article ID: art00003_1
Low-Temperature Organic and oxide Transistors For Printable electronics
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2017.32.3  Published OnlineSeptember 2016

Over recent years there has been tremendous progress in developing low-temperature processible organic and oxide semiconductors that can be processed by solution-based printing techniques and provide high charge carrier mobilities for both n-type and p-type field-effect transistor operation, good operational stability and other functionalities such as efficient electroluminescene, sensing or memory functions. In this talk I will discuss the basic device and charge transport physics of organic and oxide transistors, review manufacturing approaches and assess their performance in light of a range of applications in displays and integrated systems.

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Henning Sirringhaus, "Low-Temperature Organic and oxide Transistors For Printable electronicsin Proc. IS&T Printing for Fabrication: Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP32),  2016,

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