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Volume: 22 | Article ID: art00002_3
Inkjet printing of functional polymers and nanoparticles
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2006.22.2.art00002_3  Published OnlineJanuary 2006

Inkjet printing is known to be a low cost and flexible technique for the controlled deposition of functional materials for applications in polymer light-emitting devices (PLEDs), solar cell devices, organic field effect transistors (oFETs) and tailor-made high-tech coatings. Moreover, it can be considered as a library preparation technique of functional polymers or nanoparticles allowing a systematic variation of parameters (e.g. thickness or chemical composition) for combinatorial studies. The presented research deals with two different and significant topics: investigations of ink formulations (using isolating, conducting and semi-conduction polymers as well as semi-conducting nanoparticles) and the systematic variation of the utilized surfaces of the respective substrates as well as the optimization of the printing conditions to improve the quality of inkjet printed films. Moreover, the application of inkjet etching will also be addressed.

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Ulrich S. Schubert, "Inkjet printing of functional polymers and nanoparticlesin Proc. IS&T Digital Fabrication Conf.,  2006,  pp 4 - 4,

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NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference
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