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Volume: 22 | Article ID: art00004_1
Newtonian, Colloidally Stable, Ultrasonic-Insensitive Charge Generating Layer Dispersion Compositions with Instantly Tunable Photosensitivity
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2006.22.1.art00004_1  Published OnlineJanuary 2006

High-quality electrophotographic applications demand a photoconducting element that is “perfect” in many aspects:1. defect-free, almost to the submicrometer level,2. environmentally insensitive, and3. possessing a well-defined photosensitivity that matches the electrophotographic rendering process.The charge generation layer is typically coated from a preformed pigment dispersion. The stability, quality, and composition of that dispersion critically influence the production of that “perfect” photoconducting element.This work describes the development of Newtonian, colloidally stable, ultrasonic-insensitive, charge generation layer dispersion compositions with instantly tunable photosensitivity. These dispersions enable robust photoconductor manufacturing processes and provide instantly accessible photospeeds ranging from 0.05 to 1.0 cm2/ergs (500–100 V photodischarge).

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Michel F. Molaire, Lloyd Lobo, Theodore Zubil, Lori VanEpps, Michael Sykes, "Newtonian, Colloidally Stable, Ultrasonic-Insensitive Charge Generating Layer Dispersion Compositions with Instantly Tunable Photosensitivityin Proc. IS&T Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP22),  2006,  pp 12 - 16,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2006
NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference
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