Solid area quality is one of the fundamental attributes that contributes to the perception of overall image quality. Area coverage, darkness (such as density, intensity, L*), gloss, and solid area mottle are all aspects of solid area quality that are routinely quantified.For example, measurement of overall gloss is quite common using commercially available glossmeters. And in recent years, many methods of quantifying solid area mottle have been developed and presented to the industry.One critical aspect of solid area quality, referred to as gloss mottle, has not been addressed as widely. Gloss mottle is the appearance of variations in the magnitude of gloss across a surface. It can be comprised of both high and low frequency components and is inherently difficult to characterize.In this paper, a new method for measuring gloss mottle will be proposed. A CCD-camera based system will be described and results will be presented that apply to both solid area gloss mottle and the gloss mottle of coatings that impact the quality of materials such as linerboard.
Yair Kipman, Prashant Mehta, Kate Johnson, Dave Wolin, "A New Method of Measuring Gloss Mottle and Micro-Gloss Using A Line-Scan CCD-Camera Based Imaging System" in Proc. IS&T Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP17), 2001, pp 714 - 717,