Generally, one can say that ease of use requirements for color management are driven by DTP and home users, whereas since the early days of color management accuracy requirements have been driven by the contract proofing market. Translating colors from one color model to another, matching to targets, dealing with out of gamut colors, etc., were and are issues that drive proofing manufacturers to continuously improve their color management software.As faster computer hardware and automated measuring devices become available, and as more companies develop color management systems, improvements in color management are realized.But, the customer requirements change over the years. Items like Pantone colors, paper color, gloss influence, remote proofing, match transferability, etc., change the requirements from the customer.Finally, most customers still think in CMYK and have problems understanding an L*a*b process, which is commonly used in today's color management systems.For developers of color management this means a continuous challenge to update their software and utilize the new possibilities that improved hardware delivers. This paper gives an overview of color requirements for contract proofing, how these requirements are met with proofing hardware, and which color management software challenges were and still are to be dealt with to provide accurate digital contract proofs.
W.J. Hulsman, J.T.E.C Notermans, "Color Management Requirements in Contract Proofing" in Proc. IS&T Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP16), 2000, pp 796 - 800,