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Volume: 16 | Article ID: art00078_1
Optimization of the Image Profile Transform in High Resolution Electrophotography
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.2000.16.1.art00078_1  Published OnlineJanuary 2000

The resolution of digital electrophotographic printers and copying machines has been steadily increasing and products now exist with 1200 dpi specifications. However, due to the technological difficulties involved in making narrow laser beams, the actual spot size in most applications is much larger than the resolution pitch. For this reason, realizing 1200 dpi image quality is in fact problematic.For the purpose of constructing a method to resolve the above stated problems, we modeled image profile transforming properties, including the energy distribution of laser beam exposure, the latent image profile, and the profile of developed toner. The resulting image profile is related to such parameters as the exposure condition, PIDC (photo-induced discharge characteristics), which is the potential of the photoreceptor as a function of the exposure energy, and the development curve. Next, we defined the merit function of the target image profile. Employing this function, it was possible to choose the parameters in such a way to produce satisfactory results by using a nonlinear programming method. Finally, we performed experiments using 1200dpi resolution with the parameter values obtained through the optimization process and found that the developed image profile was satisfactorily sharp.

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Tetsuro Toyoshima, Tadashi Iwamatsu, Nobuyuki Azuma, Shigeru Nishio, Yoshinori Mutoh, "Optimization of the Image Profile Transform in High Resolution Electrophotographyin Proc. IS&T Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP16),  2000,  pp 303 - 306,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2000
NIP & Digital Fabrication Conference
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