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Volume: 14 | Article ID: art00044_1
TonerJet® Tandem Color has Reached Prototype Stage
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.1998.14.1.art00044_1  Published OnlineJanuary 1998

The TonerJet® print technology is invented and developed by Array Printers AB in Sweden. During the last years, the TonerJet® print process have taken some big steps forward in color printing.A focus on toner development at the TonerJet® Center in Yokohama, Japan, has been fruitful. The speed and performance of the print process have improved when implementing a chemical toner. The spherical shaped particles enables higher density and edge sharpness at higher print speed (10-20ppm). This is a result of the increased release properties at higher toner charge.TonerJet® is a direct print process that easily achieves extremely good and stable color registration at low manufacturing cost. The dot registration can be controlled by a feedback loop that measures the print media position.Pulse width modulation enables true gray scale printing down to few particles per dot. This in combination with the dot deflection control technology gives high image print quality.TonerJet® is now the print technology that combines color printing at a high speed, good print quality and a low manufacturing cost.

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Agneta Sandberg, "TonerJet® Tandem Color has Reached Prototype Stagein Proc. IS&T Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP14),  1998,  pp 180 - 183,

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