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Volume: 14 | Article ID: art00040_2
Photoconduction in Polysilane Film
  DOI :  10.2352/ISSN.2169-4451.1998.14.1.art00040_2  Published OnlineJanuary 1998

The photoconduction of poly(methylphenylsilane) doped with and without C60 has been studied in terms of the carrier generation kinetics. The photoconductivity spectrum of polysilane has an onset coincident with the optical absorption edge and this photoconduction is not due to the hole creation from excitons at electrodes but due to photogeneration of holes in the disorder system or photogeneration of charged polarons. The analysis of the disorder model successfully explains the zero temperature photoconductivity. Doping of C60 well sensitizes the photoconductivity of polysilane in the spectral region where C60 has optical absorption. This sensitization is suppressed at lower temperature. In a low temperature region holes accumulate by the photoexcitation of polysilane and the dark and photoconductivities increase. The accumulated holes recombine with electrons in C60 at temperatures higher than 130 K.

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Yoshikazu Nakayama, Akira Saito, Seiji Akita, "Photoconduction in Polysilane Filmin Proc. IS&T Int'l Conf. on Digital Printing Technologies (NIP14),  1998,  pp 494 - 497,

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