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Proceedings Paper
Volume: 4 | Article ID: 3
A Handheld Image-based Gloss Meter for Complete Gloss Characterization
  DOI :  10.2352/lim.2023.4.1.03  Published OnlineJune 2023

Nowadays, industrial gloss evaluation is mostly limited to the specular gloss meter, focusing on a single attribute of surface gloss. The correlation of such meters with the human gloss appraisal is thus rather weak. Although more advanced image-based gloss meters have become available, their application is typically restricted to niche industries due to the high cost and complexity. This paper extends a previous design of a comprehensive and affordable image-based gloss meter (iGM) for the determination of each of the five main attributes of surface gloss (specular gloss, DOI, haze, contrast and surface-uniformity gloss). Together with an extensive introduction on surface gloss and its evaluation, the iGM design is described and some of its capabilities and opportunities are illustrated.

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Stijn Beuckels, Jan Audenaert, Pierre Morandi, Frédéric B. Leloup, "A Handheld Image-based Gloss Meter for Complete Gloss Characterizationin London Imaging Meeting,  2023,  pp 5 - 9,

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London Imaging Meeting
Society for Imaging Science and Technology
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