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Volume: 3 | Article ID: 17
Comparison of Regression Methods and Neural Networks for Colour Corrections
  DOI :  10.2352/lim.2022.1.1.17  Published OnlineJuly 2022

Colour correction is the problem of mapping the sensor responses measured by a camera to the display-encoded RGBs or to a standard colour space such as CIE XYZ. In regression-based colour correction, camera RAW RGBs are mapped according to a simple formula (e.g. a linear mapping). Regression methods include least squares, polynomial and root-polynomial approaches. More recently, researchers have begun to investigate how neural networks can be used to solve the colour correction problem. _x005F_x000D_ _x005F_x000D_ In this paper, we investigate the relative performance of regression versus a neural network approach. While we find that the latter approach performs better than simple least-squares the performance is not as good as that delivered by either root-polynomial or polynomial regression. The root-polynomial approach has the advantage that it is also exposure invariant. In contrast, the Neural Network approach delivers poor colour correction when the exposure changes.

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Abdullah Kucuk, Graham Finlayson, Rafal Mantiuk, Maliha Ashraf, "Comparison of Regression Methods and Neural Networks for Colour Correctionsin London Imaging Meeting,  2022,  pp 74 - 79,

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Copyright ©2022 Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2022
London Imaging Meeting
Society for Imaging Science and Technology
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