Peer Review Process

All manuscripts pass through a standard workflow:

  • All submissions are screened by the Managing Editor to ensure they meet basic standards of manuscript presentation, including formatting, references, and figures.
  • The Editors-in-Chief (EICs) ensure they meet the journal’s rigorous scientific standards and match the journal’s scope, and in particular, that they contain a significant focus on perception research and/or its application to imaging.
  • Each manuscript is shepherded through the review process by an Associate Editor, with support from the responsible EIC, whose job it is to enlist at least three (3) reviews by experts in the field, and in the case of multidisciplinary papers, representative experts from all disciplines covered.
  • All reviewers have substantial publication records in the areas they are asked to review.
  • The reviewers are anonymous to the authors (single-blind review), except in the case that an Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief acts in the capacity of reviewer, in which case, they are named.
  • Reviewers provide detailed comments and recommendations, and are also encouraged to provide confidential comments to the Editors, which are not passed on to the authors.
  • Additional reviewers may be solicited if there is significant disagreement among the reviewers.
  • The AE makes a recommendation to the EIC, who makes the final decision. In addition to the reviews, the decision letter includes summary comments from the AE and EIC.
  • If a paper requires major revisions before being considered for publication, all the reviews are sent to the authors and the reviewers, and a second round of reviews is conducted.
    • If, after that second round, the paper still requires major revision, it is rejected.
    • If the paper requires minor revisions, the second version is reviewed by the Associate Editor, who can optionally invite additional external reviews before making their recommendation to the EICs.
  • Authors may appeal to the EIC if they believe the reviewers have seriously misjudged the manuscript. All appeals will be given careful consideration. The EIC will determine if further consideration is merited or if the original decision should stand.

Submissions from editors or members of the editorial board are handled by an editorial board member who is not connected with the manuscript to ensure that such submissions receive an objective and unbiased evaluation. Information about the review process for such submissions is hidden from the view of any editors or editorial board members who are authors of the paper within the journal’s online submission and review system.

The primary Guest Editor for Special Issues serves as Editor in Chief for this Issue, in all ways except for the final decision, which is in the hands of the EIC. Secondary Guest Editors serve in the role of Associate Editor for the Special Issue.