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Volume: 64 | Article ID: jist0956
Combining Visual Analytics and Machine Learning for Reverse Engineering in Assembly Quality Control
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2020.64.6.060405  Published OnlineNovember 2020

The authors introduce an integrative approach for the analysis of the high-dimensional parameter space relevant for decision-making in the context of quality control. Typically, a large number of parameters influence the quality of a manufactured part in an assembly process, and our approach supports the visual exploration and comprehension of the correlations among various parameters and their effects on part quality. We combine visualization and machine learning methods to help a user with the identification of important parameter value settings having certain effects on a part. The goal to understand the influence of parameter values on part quality is treated from a reverse engineering perspective, driven by the goal to determine what values cause what effects on part quality. The high-dimensional parameter value domain generally cannot be visualized directly, and the authors employ dimension reduction techniques to address this problem. Their prototype system makes possible the identification of regions in a high-dimensional parameter value space that lead to desirable (or non-desirable) parameter value settings for quality assurance. They demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of our methods and prototype by applying them to a sheet metal deformation example.

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Patrick Ruediger, Felix Claus, Bernd Hamann, Hans Hagen, Heike Leitte, "Combining Visual Analytics and Machine Learning for Reverse Engineering in Assembly Quality Controlin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2020,  pp 060405-1 - 060405-13,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2020
  Article timeline 
  • received July 2020
  • accepted November 2020
  • PublishedNovember 2020

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