The evaporation rate of a droplet was explained in relation to the thickness of the boundary layer and the condition near the droplet’s surface. However, the number of results obtained from experiments is very limited. This study aims to investigate the thickness of the boundary layer of an ethanol–water mixture droplet and its effect on the evaporation rate by Z-type Schlieren visualization. Single and double droplets are tested and compared to identify the effect of the second droplet on the average and instantaneous evaporation rate. The double droplet’s lifetime is found to be longer than the single droplet’s lifetime. The formation of a larger vapor region on the top of the droplet indicates a higher instantaneous evaporation rate. The thickness of the boundary layer is found to increase with increase in ethanol concentration. Furthermore, a larger vapor distribution area is found in the case of higher ethanol concentration, which explains the faster evaporation rate at higher ethanol concentration.
P. Jonglearttrakull, K. Fushinobu, M. Kadonaga, "Effects of the Thickness of Boundary Layer on Droplet’s Evaporation Rate" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2020, pp 050402-1 - 050402-11,