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Volume: 63 | Article ID: jist0733
Situational Strategic Awareness Monitoring Surveillance System—Microcomputer and Microcomputer Clustering used for Intelligent, Economical, Scalable, and Deployable Approach for Safeguarding Materials
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2019.63.6.060408  Published OnlineNovember 2019

The principal objective of this research is to create a system that is quickly deployable, scalable, adaptable, and intelligent and provides cost-effective surveillance, both locally and globally. The intelligent surveillance system should be capable of rapid implementation to track (monitor) sensitive materials, i.e., radioactive or weapons stockpiles and person(s) within rooms, buildings, and/or areas in order to predict potential incidents proactively (versus reactively) through intelligence, locally and globally. The system will incorporate a combination of electronic systems that include commercial and modifiable off-the-shelf microcomputers to create a microcomputer cluster which acts as a mini supercomputer which leverages real-time data feed if a potential threat is present. Through programming, software, and intelligence (artificial intelligence, machine learning, and neural networks), the system should be capable of monitoring, tracking, and warning (communicating) the system observer operations (command and control) within a few minutes when sensitive materials are at potential risk for loss. The potential customer is government agencies looking to control sensitive materials and/or items in developing world markets intelligently, economically, and quickly.

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Kenly Maldonado, Steve Simske, "Situational Strategic Awareness Monitoring Surveillance System—Microcomputer and Microcomputer Clustering used for Intelligent, Economical, Scalable, and Deployable Approach for Safeguarding Materialsin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2019,  pp 060408-1 - 060408-10,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2019
  Article timeline 
  • received July 2019
  • accepted October 2019
  • PublishedNovember 2019

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