The present study shows fabrication of electronic resistor by means of inexpensive inkjet printing method on the photonic paper substrate at room temperature. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the feasibility of the inkjet printed resistor with different resistance values for the application of electronic devices. Inkjet printing process is performed using magnetostrictive inkjet printhead designed by our laboratory which use a magnetostrictive material, Terfenol-D rod as an actuation mechanism. For printing resistor component on the photonic paper substrate, we use two functional inks: one is the silver nanoparticle ink, which is used to make conducting layer, the other one is poly (3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene): poly (styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) ink, which is used to make resistive layers. The resistivity of the printed resistor is altered with different resistance values with respect to the printing layers, different ink formulations, and length of the resistor line. An electronic circuit is sketched and tested using fabricated resistor component. The printed resistor with various resistance values provides an important building block for low cost, printed electronic circuit application. From these results, we can show that magnetostrictive inkjet printhead has a potential to fabricate electronic devices.
Hong-Ju Kim, Apurva Yadav, Young-Woo Park, "Fabrication of Resistor Component Using Magnetostrictive Inkjet Printing at Room Temperature" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2019, pp 040408-1 - 040408-4,