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Volume: 60 | Article ID: jist0259
Paper: Expert Viewers’ Preferences for Higher Frame Rate 3D Film
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2016.60.6.060402  Published OnlineNovember 2016

Recently the movie industry has been advocating the use of frame rates significantly higher than the traditional 24 frames per second. This higher frame rate theoretically improves the quality of motion portrayed in movies, and helps avoid motion blur, judder and other undesirable artifacts. Previously we reported that young adult audiences showed a clear preference for higher frame rates, particularly when contrasting 24 fps with 48 or 60 fps. We found little impact of shutter angle (frame exposure time) on viewers’ choices. In the current study we replicated this experiment with an audience composed of imaging professionals who work in the film and display industry who assess image quality as an aspect of their everyday occupation. These viewers were also on average older and thus could be expected to have attachments to the “film look” both through experience and training. We used stereoscopic 3D content, filmed and projected at multiple frame rates (24, 48 and 60 fps), with shutter angles ranging from 90 to 358, to evaluate viewer preferences. In paired-comparison experiments we assessed preferences along a set of five attributes (realism, motion smoothness, blur/clarity, quality of depth and overall preference). As with the young adults in the earlier study, the expert viewers showed a clear preference for higher frame rates, particularly when contrasting 24 fps with 48 or 60 fps. We found little impact of shutter angle on viewers’ choices, with the exception of one clip at 48 fps where there was a preference for larger shutter angle. However, this preference was found for the most dynamic “warrior” clip in the experts but in the slower moving “picnic” clip for the naïve viewers. These data confirm the advantages afforded by high-frame rate capture and presentation in a cinema context in both naïve audiences and experienced film professionals.

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Robert S. Allison, Laurie M. Wilcox, Roy C. Anthony, John Helliker, Bert Dunk, "Paper: Expert Viewers’ Preferences for Higher Frame Rate 3D Filmin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2016,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2016
  Article timeline 
  • received July 2016
  • accepted September 2016
  • PublishedNovember 2016

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