With the miniaturization of precision machine components, the measurement of data at a high resolution is important for product inspection. Microscopy measurement techniques have been improved to a high resolution so as to satisfy the need. However, since the range of high-resolution measurement is narrow, it is difficult to observe the entire structure of the target at a time. If it is possible to unify many measurement data taken under different conditions into one dataset while keeping the positional relationships between the data, one can effectively observe details and understand the entire structure. Hence, we develop an image processing system that synthesizes measurement data with different resolutions and displays both the entire structure and fine details of the observed object simultaneously. In order to unify the measurement data, we propose two image synthesis methods based on feature points and edge information. This article also describes the details of the system which can generate multi-resolution models by using the proposed methods and allows users to arbitrarily vary the display area and magnification while observing the entire structure.
Tomohiro Suzuki, Shin Usuki, Kenjiro T. Miura, "Development of a Multi-Resolution Microscopy Image Processing System" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2015, pp 060403-1 - 060403-11, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2015.59.6.060403