Histogram equalization facilitates information identification in the case of a concentrated image intensity. However, this method is not suitable for consumer electronics, such as televisions, as the focus on contrast enhancement can create noise. Thus, to reduce this noise, contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization uses a maximum threshold for contrast enhancement, but this can result in loss of image detail. Therefore, the author proposes an image enhancement method that avoids loss of image detail through the generation of detail maps based on multiple layer block overlapped histogram equalization. As a result, the loss of image detail is minimized by combining images with limited contrast enhancement using a detail map for each layer.
Oh-Seol Kwon, "Image Enhancement based on Multiple Layer Histogram Equalization for Detail Emphasis" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2015, pp 050505-1 - 050505-8, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2015.59.5.050505