A novel transfer technique using AC high fields, which are composed of high AC components having peak electric fields around the discharge limit and lower DC components than those used in conventional printers, has been developed, and the functions of each component on toner transfer have been studied by observations of the toner behavior and the discharge. From the observations of the toner behavior, it has been revealed that the high AC components generate reciprocating motions of toner particles in recessed portions of papers, and reduce the toner adhesion by repeatedly providing mechanical and electrical interactions among toner particles. Furthermore, from the observations of the discharge, it is indicated that by using the low DC components, toner particles, whose adhesions are reduced by the high AC components, are transferred onto paper without discharge generation. Due to the functions of the AC and DC field components, uniform images can be realized even on heavily textured papers which have over 100
Shinji Aoki, Haruo Iimura, Yasuhiko Ogino, Keigo Nakamura, Ichiro Maeda, Naomi Sugimoto, Shinya Tanaka, "The Functions of AC and DC Field Components in the Toner Transfer Technique Using AC High Field" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2014, pp 040405-1 - 040405-7, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2014.58.4.040405