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Volume: 57 | Article ID: art00007
Aggregation Behavior of Colloidal Particles for Production of Polyester-Based Chemically Prepared Toner
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2013.57.6.060534  Published OnlineNovember 2013

Abstract High performance, full color electrophotographic printers are gaining acceptance in many office environments. In this study, the authors controlled the aggregation of three different colloidal dispersions using four different multivalent metallic coagulants over a wide pH range to develop a polyester-based chemically prepared toner (CPT). An operational limit existed for the total quantity of each metallic coagulant required to achieve a narrow particle size distribution at a mean target aggregate size. This, when exceeded, produced a viscous, inoperative sludge in the reactor. The optimal pH condition for each coagulant system was mainly dependent on the electrostatic balance produced by deprotonation of exposed carboxylic acid groups on the polyester resin particles at a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. Additional electrostatic interactions between the polyester colloidal dispersions and the monovalent cations (M1+) in the metallic coagulation system at high electrolyte concentrations created a favorable environment to reproduce core-toner particles with a narrow particle distribution at a mean target size. By manipulating the aggregation process, the individual nano-dispersions coalesced in an aqueous environment to form a polyester-resin-based chemical toner that was uniform in particle size and had low total volatile organic compound (VOC) level. The printing and image performance of this toner using a color laser printing system was also observed. This final polyester toner was optimized for high speed, energy efficient electrophotographic printers that utilize an oil-free fusing subsystem that operates at a low fusing temperature. The image quality and toner usage of these toners meet the specifications of major printer manufacturers for digital printing technologies.

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Sung Yul Kim, Bo Young Kim, Kyung-Yol Yon, "Aggregation Behavior of Colloidal Particles for Production of Polyester-Based Chemically Prepared Tonerin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2013,  pp 60534-1 - 60534-8,

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