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Volume: 56 | Article ID: art00002
Color Fidelity Evaluation Using Fruit and Paper Colors
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2012.56.2.020401  Published OnlineMarch 2012

Color image calibration is usually done with the aid of a color chart such as an X-Rite ColorChecker containing a set of carefully produced color patches. However, in many consumer applications, such as internet shopping, for which the correct reproduction of color can be very important, most users will not have a color chart readily available, and probably are not interested in purchasing one in any case given their relatively high cost. We propose using some readily available items that have relatively stable colors as a means of creating a simple color "chart." In particular, we explore the palette of colors created by the fleshy interior parts of oranges, lemons and limes, cooked egg white, and white sheets of paper. A sample of oranges, lemons, and limes from Canada, the United States, and Mexico has shown their color to be quite consistent, and therefore potentially suitable as a set of reference colors for color image calibration. Similarly, as sampling of typical white papers finds that although the whiteness varies, the average of several whites is quite stable. In the case of internet sales, a seller photographing color-sensitive merchandise, such as clothing, could simply include one or two of these items in each picture. This would provide an immediate point of reference for the purchaser as to whether or not the image colors are correct. Clearly, if the food colors and papers do not look right, neither will the merchandise when it is delivered.

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Milan Mosny, Brian Funt, "Color Fidelity Evaluation Using Fruit and Paper Colorsin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2012,  pp 20401-1 - 20401-6,

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