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Volume: 55 | Article ID: art00005
Fabrication of Metal Electrodes Based on the Self-Differentiation Technique Using the Novel High-and-Low Strategy
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2011.55.4.040303  Published OnlineJuly 2011

In this study, a strategic analysis of the most successful printing techniques in terms of their capability to make high resolution patterns, i.e., the laser transfer and reverse offset printing techniques, is conducted and a novel self-differentiation technique is introduced on the basis of the modified strategy. The proposed self-differentiation technique is based on the high resolution subtractive patterning of a cheap material coated on a substrate and the subsequent low-resolution additive patterning of metallo-organic silver ink. The novelty of this self-differentiation technique lies in its capability to convert metallo-organic silver ink to either conductive or nonconductive patterns, as intended. With the proposed self-differentiation technique, conductive and nonconductive patterns were successfully self-differentiated, no matter where the metallo-organic silver ink was applied, and the line resistance of the self-patterned metal electrode, as fine as 190.1±0.3 μm in line width, was as low as 24.8±0.2 Ω/cm.

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Dong-Youn Shin, "Fabrication of Metal Electrodes Based on the Self-Differentiation Technique Using the Novel High-and-Low Strategyin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2011,  pp 40303-1 - 40303-7,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2011
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