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Volume: 54 | Article ID: art00009
Effect of Fusing Parameters on Print Gloss
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2010.54.6.060406  Published OnlineNovember 2010

The effect of laser printer fusing parameters on print gloss was studied. Gloss level directly impacts color range and perceived depth of color and the perceived image quality by the customer. Analysis of gloss dependence upon fusing parameters would guide printer development. Two color printers that differed in fuser design, toner formulation, and gloss performance were tested. The fuser design and control condition and toner type effects on gloss were isolated by using an independent fusing system that allowed samples created in the two printers to be fused using a common process. It was found that image density had the primary effect on gloss and can be classified as low density (substrate dependent gloss), medium density (pattern dependent gloss), and high density (fusing process dependent gloss). Nip duration, pressure, and temperature had only a secondary effect on gloss and may be used to optimize the fusing system process once the fuser design and toner formulation are complete.

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Brandon Chaffin, Anthony Holden, Anthony Paris, "Effect of Fusing Parameters on Print Glossin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2010,  pp 60406-1 - 60406-8,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2010
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