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Volume: 54 | Article ID: art00005
Optical and Color Stability of Aged Specialty Papers and Ultraviolet Cured Ink Jet Prints
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2010.54.6.060402  Published OnlineNovember 2010

The present study deals with the optical and color stability of aged specialty papers and ultraviolet cured (UV) ink jet prints. As paper substrates, a fiber synthetic paper and two types of lignin-free papers with included security elements were used. Prints of CMYK color fields using UV Curable Inks were made using a UV ink jet printer, Océ Arizona 250® GT. Samples of papers and UV ink jet prints were artificially aged using standard techniques of accelerated aging, such as moist heat (80°C and 65% RH), dry heat (105°C) and treatment with the a xenon arc lamp (35°C CT, 50°C BST, 35% RH). Aging was performed for periods of 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 days. In this study, optical properties of untreated and treated paper substrates such as the whiteness and yellowness index and color differences between untreated and treated UV ink jet prints were followed. The tested paper substrates behaved differently. The fiber synthetic paper was more stable than both lignin-free cellulose papers. Some color differences during accelerated aging were observed in prints. The effect depends on the particular ink and type of accelerated aging. On average, dry heat treatment and treatment with the xenon arc lamp showed greater impact on CMYK prints than moist heat treatment. The most stable among the prints was the black ink.

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Mirica Debeljak, Diana Gregor-Svetec, "Optical and Color Stability of Aged Specialty Papers and Ultraviolet Cured Ink Jet Printsin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2010,  pp 60402-1 - 60402-9,

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