Using the transmission control protocol/internet protocol (TCP/IP) stack as a model of layered protocols, the authors propose a next-generation reliable print service called the Gutenberg-Landa TCP/IP to handle the routing of pages through a print service provider (PSP). Gutenberg-Landa TCP/IP will be an expanded TCP/IP protocol: just as data packets flow through the internet to form web pages, so printed pages flow through a PSP; but unlike data packets, printed pages must be routed through a series of irreversible physical transformations. This wide range of transport mechanisms and transformations (such as raster image processors, high speed digital presses, paper handling, and finishing devices) are all connected by their opportunity to read and add information to the printed page. Given the proper infrastructure, the printed page itself can dynamically route itself through the PSP. Through its design of its protocols, Gutenberg-Landa TCP/IP will unify reliable printing, finishing, and delivery into a single paradigm that would provide the same quality of service as the internet: a highly efficient and robust print infrastructure with near 100% uptime and the ability to grow its print capacity without limit. Gutenberg-Landa TCP/IP is a prime example of a cyberphysical system: its goal is to seamlessly integrate physical manufacturing infrastructure with internet and networking infrastructure.
J. Zeng, I.-J. Lin, E. Hoarau, G. Dispoto, "Next-Generation Commercial Print Infrastructure: Gutenberg-Landa TCP/IP as Cyber-Physical System" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2010, pp 50305-1 - 50305-6,