In this article the authors propose a color correction system for images illuminated by multiple light sources. The proposed system can generate an illumination-invariant image under various light sources. Such illumination-invariant image acquisition becomes possible by adopting a user-defined profile connection space (UD-PCS) that generates custom profiles, which can be used to eliminate the effect of directional light sources. The proposed algorithm consists of the following steps: (i) input image capture with minimum of two light sources and reference Qpcard, (ii) estimation of color correction matrix and tone reproductive curves, (iii) modifying International Color Consortium profile tags to generate UD-PCS, and (iv) color mixture map extraction for fusion of input source images. Experiments were carried out on several test images with different light sources in order to prove the utility of the proposed algorithm.
Vivek Maik, Joonki Paik, Dohee Cho, Dongwhan Har, "Color Correction for Multiple Light Sources Using Profile Correction System" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2009, pp 50501-1 - 50501-8,