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Volume: 53 | Article ID: art00006
Ink Density Profile on Indigo Developer Roller
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2009.53.4.041201  Published OnlineJuly 2009

The binary ink developer (BID) in the Hewlett-Packard Indigo press converts low viscosity ElectroInk® into a pastelike layer that is presented to the photoreceptor. In the BID, ink solids move by electrophoresis onto the developer roller, and the layer is subsequently compacted mechanically and electrically by a squeegee roller. Quantification of ink solids content in this layer facilitates ink formulation and provides insight into BID operation. In this work, we describe the use of a unique tool developed in-house for profiling ink density on the developer roller. This device controllably removes submicrometer strata of ink from the rotating developer roller by applying a step-wise variable force to a scraping blade in contact with the roller. We find that the solids distribution within the paste layer varies depending on the electrophoretic and the squeegee roller voltages. A typical concentration profile starts at a minimum furthest from the roller, peaks within the paste layer, and then drops again as the developer roller surface is approached. We discuss the origin of this profile.

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Manoj Bhattacharyya, Omer Gila, Thomas Anthony, Michael Lee, "Ink Density Profile on Indigo Developer Rollerin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2009,  pp 41201-1 - 41201-6,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2009
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