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Volume: 52 | Article ID: art00007
Pulse and Temperature Control of Thermal Ink Jet Printheads Without a Heater Passivation Layer
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.(2008)52:2(020503)  Published OnlineMarch 2008

One of the ways to improve the heating efficiency of a heater is to eliminate the passivation layer of the heater by using TaSiO for the heater material, whereby the heater surface becomes thermally oxidized. Rapid boiling of water occurs at around 300°C; therefore, it is necessary for the fabrication condition of the oxidation layer to correspond to a temperature higher than the boiling temperature. In a pulse drive during printing, it is also necessary to keep the heat at a temperature lower than that of thermal oxidization to prevent deterioration. As a result of observing the generation of bubbles and measuring the heater temperature, it was confirmed that within the range of heating velocity in this experiment, boiling starts at around 300°C, and it was also possible to understand pulse control in thermal ink jet printheads to maintain the heater at an appropriate temperature.

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Naoki Morita, Masashi Hiratsuka, Toshinobu Hamazaki, Hiroyuki Usami, Yoshinao Kondoh, Hideki Fukunaga, Hiroshi Ikeda, Nanao Inoue, Shuichi Yamada, "Pulse and Temperature Control of Thermal Ink Jet Printheads Without a Heater Passivation Layerin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2008,  pp 20503-1 - 20503-5,

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