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Volume: 51 | Article ID: art00007
Simulation of Traveling Wave Toner Transport Considering Air Drag
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.(2007)51:5(431)  Published OnlineSeptember 2007

A simulation method to analyze the behavior of a toner cloud driven by a traveling electrostatic wave with air drag is proposed. The two-fluid flow model, which regards air and toner cloud as incompressible and viscous fluids, is employed. A method of the calculation of the electric potential using the moving particle semi-implicit (MPS) method, which is often used in the study of fluid dynamics, is developed in this article. In the present method, all of the motion of the toner, the airflow, and the electric potential are calculated by using the moving particle semi-implicit method. Common calculation points are used in the electrostatic calculation, the toner motion calculation, and the airflow calculation in order to avoid the complexity of data exchange among those calculations. The validity of the calculation of the electric potential using the MPS method is confirmed by comparing the results to those of a model that has a known strict solution. Modeling of the behavior of toner cloud in toner transport with a traveling electrostatic wave is performed. An increase in the maximum synchronous frequency due to air drag is demonstrated.

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Masataka Maeda, Katsuhiro Maekawa, Manabu Takeuchi, "Simulation of Traveling Wave Toner Transport Considering Air Dragin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2007,  pp 431 - 437,

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