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Volume: 50 | Article ID: art00008
Banding Mechanism Caused by Self-Excited Vibration in a Contact Development System
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.(2006)50:3(276)  Published OnlineMay 2006

Previous studies on the banding mechanism have proposed various reduction methods for the electrophotographic process. The banding mechanism is generally caused by a vibration that is transmitted by the drive system and its resulting resonance. We analyzed the banding that occurred in a single-component contact development system, and it became evident that banding was caused by a self-excited vibration. The self-excited vibration model consists of the following elements: A spring element (the rubber layer of the development roller), a mass element (the development unit), and an exciting force (the friction between the development roller and the OPC drum). We also observed that the model's vibration frequency varies nonlinearly, an interesting characteristic caused by the nonlinear hardening properties of the spring. Since self-excited vibration can be prevented by stabilizing the system, we propose the use of appropriate damping components. We also statistically verified the banding reduction effect by conducting a quantitative analysis on the vibration intensity.

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Tadashi Iwamatsu, Hiroyuki Hirakawa, Hiroaki Nakaya, Takayuki Yamanaka, "Banding Mechanism Caused by Self-Excited Vibration in a Contact Development Systemin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2006,  pp 276 - 281,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2006
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