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Volume: 50 | Article ID: art00001
Optimized RGB for Image Data Encoding
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.(2006)50:2(125)  Published OnlineMarch 2006

The present paper discusses the subject of an RGB optimization for color data coding. The current RGB situation is analyzed and those requirements selected which exclusively address the data encoding, while disregarding any application or workflow related objectives. In this context, the limitation to the RGB triangle of color saturation, and the discretization due to the restricted resolution of 8 bits per channel are identified as the essential drawbacks of most of today's RGB data definitions. Specific validation metrics are proposed for assessing the codable color volume while at the same time considering the discretization loss due to the limited bit resolution. Based on those measures it becomes evident that the idea of the recently promoted RGB definition holds the potential of being qualified as a global RGB data standard without imposing restrictions in regard to feasible surface colors. Optimizing strategies are thus suggested and adapted to the RGB concept focusing on 8 bits per channel. The resulting RGB makes it possible to store a color value to a 32 bit word, yet covering the entire gamut of all existing surface colors at a resolution above the perceptible limit for any color sector, thus satisfying the requirements of a universal RGB, which is particularly optimized for color image data encoding.

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Beat Münch, Úlfar Steingrímsson, "Optimized RGB for Image Data Encodingin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2006,  pp 125 - 138,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2006
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