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Volume: 50 | Article ID: art00011
Multiresolution Texture Synthesis in Wavelet Transform Domain
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.(2006)50:1(93)  Published OnlineJanuary 2006

In this article we propose a multiresolution texture synthesis algorithm in which coefficient blocks of the spatiofrequency components of the input texture are efficiently stitched together to form the corresponding components of the synthesized output texture. We propose two algorithms to this effect. In the first, we use a constant block size throughout the algorithm. In the second, we adaptively split blocks so as to use the largest possible block size in order to preserve the global structure, while maintaining the mismatched error of the overlapped boundaries below a certain error tolerance. Throughout the algorithm designs, special consideration is given to minimizing the computational cost. We show that the adaptation of the multiresolution approach results in a fast, cost effective, flexible texture synthesis algorithm that is capable of being used in conjunction with modern, bandwidth-adaptive, Markov random field imaging applications. A collection of regular and stochastic test textures is used to prove the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

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D. Wickramanayake, H. Bez, E. Edirisinghe, "Multiresolution Texture Synthesis in Wavelet Transform Domainin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2006,  pp 93 - 102,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2006
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