When analog red, green, blue (RGB) signals of a video/graphic image need to be displayed on pixelated display devices, graphic digitizers have to be utilized to convert the analog signals to digital signals. In such an application choosing correct sampling frequency for the digitizers is essential since an incorrect frequency will impair the recovery of images encoded in the analog signals. This article presents an algorithm that searches automatically for the sampling frequency. The phase of the sampling clock is also critical since inadequate phase control can create undesirable visible artifacts. Thus, a second algorithm for automatically searching for the appropriate sampling phase is presented in this article as well. These algorithms can be applied in pixelated display applications.
Liming Xiu, Hugh Mair, "A Method of Automatically Searching the Sampling Frequency and Sampling Phase for Graphic Digitizer in Pixelated Display Applications" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2006, pp 80 - 92, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.(2006)50:1(80)