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Special Section—Real-Time Imaging (continued from Vol. 49, No. 2)
Volume: 49 | Article ID: art00002
Real-Time Elimination of Specular Reflectance in Color Images by 2D Histogram and Mathematical Morphology
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2005.49.3.art00002  Published OnlineJuly 2005

This article proposes a real-time method for the detection and elimination of specular reflectance in color images. We use a 2D histogram that allows us to relate the signals of luminance and saturation of a color image and to identify the specularities in a given area of the histogram. This is known as the LS diagram and it is constructed from the HLS color space. A detailed study of the presence of specularities in the diagram for different types of materials is carried out. To eliminate the specularities detected, we use a new connected vectorial filter based on color morphology and adapted to real-time specifications. This filter operates only in the bright zones previously detected, reducing the high cost of processing of connected filters and avoiding oversimplification, in single processing and multiprocessing environments. The new proposed method achieves good and similar results to the ones obtained with other techniques used in multimedia, but it not requires costly multiple-view systems or stereo images.

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Francisco Ortiz, Fernando Torres, Francisco Candelas, "Real-Time Elimination of Specular Reflectance in Color Images by 2D Histogram and Mathematical Morphologyin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2005,  pp 220 - 229,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2005
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