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Volume: 48 | Article ID: art00012
Ozone Degradation of Ink Jet Photoquality Images
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2004.48.2.art00012  Published OnlineMarch 2004

Digital images can now be printed using a range of printer technologies. These include thermal transfer (D2T2), electrophotography, and ink jet, all of which are capable of producing photographic-like prints. There has been much interest in the environmental stability of digital images created by the different printer technologies as the overall picture quality comes closer to that of traditional silver halide photographs. The durability properties of images from a range of desktop ink jet printers have been investigated and a comparison of dye and pigment-based ink systems has also been undertaken. Some of the factors that influence the image stability of photographic-like prints produced by ink jet printers are considered. This paper reports on the influence of gas fading or ozone stability of digital images printed onto ink jet photopapers. In particular the stability of dye based inks on microporous media has been investigated. The major influences on the image properties are discussed and the importance of the ink/media interactions are considered. The environment of the colorant was found to have a significant influence on the durability of the image. Much of the research activity in ink jet has focused on attempting to solve durability issues in order to bridge the gap with silver halide photographic images.

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Richard A. Barcock, Aidan J. Lavery, "Ozone Degradation of Ink Jet Photoquality Imagesin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2004,  pp 153 - 159,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2004
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