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Special Section: Symposium-in-Print: Multispectral Imaging
Volume: 48 | Article ID: art00009
Verification of the Predicting Model and Characteristics of Dye-Based Ink Jet Printer
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2004.48.2.art00009  Published OnlineMarch 2004

For analyzing color reproduction of an ink jet printer, it is important to fully understand the relationship between amounts of dye placed on the paper and resultant colors. This insight will enable one to develop a simulation that can be used to design optimum subtractive color dyes. The purpose of the present study is to verify the predicting models that can predict tristimulus values from printed dye amounts, for use in evaluating the performance of dye-based ink jet printers (IJs). In the present study, five predicting models were compared for dye-based IJ, including the Neugebauer model, the Yule-Nielsen Neugebauer model, the Kubelka-Munk model, the Cellular Neugebauer model, and the Cellular Kubelka-Munk model. Further, the comparison between a dye-based IJ and photographic color paper was studied by means of a computer simulation. This investigation was carried out from the viewpoints of the stability of selective grays for illumination metamerism and of maximizing color gamut volumes. For a dye-base IJ, the effect of ink dilution was also studied. This study is an important step toward the development of simulations for use in improving image quality for dye-based IJ.

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Takayuki Ogasahara, "Verification of the Predicting Model and Characteristics of Dye-Based Ink Jet Printerin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2004,  pp 130 - 137,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2004
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