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Special Section—Selected Papers from Color Imaging Conference IX
Volume: 46 | Article ID: art00010
Modified Jointly Blue Noise Mask Approach Using S-CIELAB Color Difference
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2002.46.6.art00010  Published OnlineNovember 2002

The current paper proposes a modified jointly-blue noise mask (MJBNM) method using the S-CIELAB color measure. Based on an investigation of the relation between the pattern visibility and the chromatic error of a blue noise pattern, a halftoning method is proposed that reduces the chromatic error, while preserving a high quality blue noise pattern. Although the jointly-blue noise mask (JBNM) method provides a visually pleasing pattern for single and multiple color planes, the halftone outputs of a JBNM mask exhibit a higher chrominance error. Accordingly, to reduce the chrominance error, the low-pass filtered error and S-CIELAB chrominance error are both considered during the mask generation procedure and calculated for single and combined patterns. Using the calculated low-pass filtered error, the patterns are then updated by either adding or removing dots from the multiple binary patterns. Finally, the pattern exhibiting the lower S-CIELAB chrominance error is selected. Experimental results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm can produce a visually pleasing halftoned image with a lower chrominance error than the JBNM method.

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Yong-Sung Kwon, Yun-Tae Kim, Yeong-Ho Ha, Cheol-Hee Lee, "Modified Jointly Blue Noise Mask Approach Using S-CIELAB Color Differencein Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2002,  pp 543 - 551,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2002
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