Xerographic color prints, soon expected to be introduced into the photofinishing market, are usually designed to have a maximum density close to 2.0. This value empirically proved insufficient for photofinishing applications. Factors to be analyzed include light scattering in the pigment-based colorant layers. In this report, the intensity of scattered light was measured under a 0/45 geometry with samples consisting of a primary colorant layer on a transparent backing sandwiched between a pair of glass plates. The results indicate that the scattered component acts to suppress the maximum density of pigment-based secondary or tertiary color images, but that, by choosing an appropriate order of color superimposition, the maximum density can be brought closer to that of photographic prints. The spectral reflectance of tertiary color images is also calculated based on the scattered and reflected light of primary colors, and shows a satisfactory agreement with the measured spectra.
Osamu Ide, "Influence of Light Scattering in Colorant Layers on Tertiary Color Reflectance" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2002, pp 344 - 349, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2002.46.4.art00012