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Special Section—Selected Papers from NIP17
Volume: 46 | Article ID: art00007
Gloss of Model Ink Jet Coatings at High Ink Loads
  DOI :  10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2002.46.4.art00007  Published OnlineJuly 2002

Several model ink jet coatings having a broad range of hydrophilicity were imaged on three printers. The gloss of these images was independent of the hydrophilicity of the ink jet coating. However, when the most hydrophobic and hydrophilic systems were coated on top of each other the gloss of printed image areas was dependent on the hydrophobicity of top layer. In experiments having a hydrophilic layer on the top, the gloss of imaged areas was independent of ink load and the ratio between both ink jet coating layers. When a hydrophobic layer was coated on the top hydrophilic layer, drop of 60 points in gloss was observed at a 400% ink load. The gloss reduction can be dependent on a ratio between both ink jet coating layers and ink load. Correlations were found between water absorption, gloss reduction and content of the most hydrophobic component in the coatings. It was shown that the difference in the degree of absorption between the two ink jet coating layers has an effect on the gloss of printed areas.

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Tom Graczyk, Shailesh Mody, "Gloss of Model Ink Jet Coatings at High Ink Loadsin Journal of Imaging Science and Technology,  2002,  pp 305 - 312,

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Copyright © Society for Imaging Science and Technology 2002
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