Effects of several inhibitors on contrast of physical developed silver in one-sheet DTR (diffusion transfer reverse) system were studied in this article. In this DTR system, the general measured reflection density could not be directly adopted because it was a comprehensive value of physically developed silver on the surface and chemically developed silver in the emulsion. For this reason, a one-dimensional CCD instrument was applied to monitor the reflected light intensity during development. The light intensity was accepted to describe the amount of physically developed silver of each exposed step on plate, then the contrast coefficient could be calculated out from the curve of light intensity versus logE. It was found that some inhibitors could improve the contrast of physically developed silver image accompanied with an improvement on sensitivity in this one-sheet DTR system.
Shuyun Zhou, Xiujie Hu, Ping Chen, "Study of Image Contrast in a One Sheet Diffusion Transfer Reversal System Influenced by Several Inhibitors" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2002, pp 123 - 128, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2002.46.2.art00006