To manage image reproduction, the management of the resolution is of great importance because it relates to the reproduction of the details, blurring, contouring and visual masking due to noise, for instance. Resolution management may be based on a similar frame-work as color management where the device is characterized for a profile, which is then used for management. This study proposes a method for characterization of device resolution. The spatial and the intensity resolutions of the device are characterized and saved in a device resolution profile file. Four tags are used to characterize device resolution, and one factor that limits device resolution is characterized in each tag. One tag, known as the fine structure tag, is used to characterize the ultimate maximum spatial resolution of the device, and an another, known as the palette tag, is used to characterize the tone reproduction of the device. The palette tag may be analyzed to establish the maximum number of the tones that can be reproduced, and therefore it would describe the maximum intensity resolution of the device. The actual spatial and intensity resolutions of the device are lower than the maximum limits. The spatial resolution is limited by the neighboring – or adjacency – effects, and the intensity resolution is limited by noise. Therefore, they are characterized by the neighboring effects tag and the noise tag.
Ismo Heikkilä, "Resolution Management in Image Reproduction: Part I—Characterization of the Resolution Profile of the Device" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2001, pp 495 - 502,