Low silver color paper processing systems incorporating redox amplification are of two types, those with a combined developer/amplifier bath and those with separate developer and amplifier baths, and attempts to achieve a practical system with either have been fraught with difficulty. We were successful, however, in designing a system with separate developer and amplifier baths that employs the selection of processing solution additives and conditions to surmount the difficulties of solution stability and image degradation. In addition, the low silver system made it possible to employ hydrogen peroxide for bleaching agent and sodium sulfite for fixing agent. The system provides robust environmental protection, and delivering high-speed processing.
Yoshihiko Suda, Kazuhiro Miyazawa, Noriyuki Kokeguchi, Junji Itoh, "Rapid and Stable Processing for a Low Silver System" in Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2001, pp 270 - 273, https://doi.org/10.2352/J.ImagingSci.Technol.2001.45.3.art00011